Deep Fog
And in the morning, I wake up first. I head towards the bathroom to take a shower, I open the blinds on the windows, stretch out, look out the window, and there's something unclear there. Ahhhh, strong fog!!! I need to leave urgently, otherwise, I'll miss out. The memory of that beauty in the fog doesn't leave me at peace. I rush into the car; the windows and mirrors have frozen over, but so be it, I don't have far to drive.

I arrive and walk down the path; it's chilly, the sun is already high, and in another place, it's unlikely I'd recreate the magic. But perhaps I'll see something new?

I walk… walk… some bird is chirping, really, like a gate... seems like a magpie...

I encountered some branches, photographed them from various angles. It's so intriguing that when you look at them from above, they're white and beautiful. But from below, they're dark, sometimes even black.

I reach my base and feel that my feet are wet; I understand why, but why are my eyes wet? Perhaps because they have dried for so long? My eyes dried out, unknown for what reason, perhaps because of human cruelty.

I feel that I'm becoming more rigid. I feel it looking at myself from the side. Maybe I'm just starting to realize that I'm mortal? It's probably good that I began to understand, as I began to cling to life, to people, to beauty. Before, I always postponed everything. Thinking I first need to fulfill all duties, and then live afterward. I was always in a hurry to achieve something to start living. But to simply start living, it was frightening, I lacked the courage. And only impulsively I allowed myself to live, allowed with a feeling of guilt, as if I had done something wrong. Now everything is changing, I live more because time is limited.

I sat in my nest, I'll go... I'll fly home. They have already woken up there. There's a lot of interesting stuff today, even a bit scary.
I walk back... inhaling the air with closed eyes... searching for new forest scents...

And then Dasha woke up and asked: Where am I?
Suddenly, I felt more cheerful and ran home.