Moving towards an authentic life
For the past week, I've been recording videos of myself cooking. Each day, I managed to prepare a new interesting but simple dish. Today, I thought about editing and posting it. But things didn't work out. Although I managed to stick these clips into CapCut templates, it wasn't at all what I expected. I wanted to add some interesting thoughts as subtitles because I was cooking a beautiful piece of red fish, which, admittedly, had been lying in the fridge and was two days past its expiration date. The cooking visuals were beautiful, and the taste was good, but I didn't let anyone but myself eat it. In some cases, the visuals weren't as appealing, but the taste was wonderful, and everyone really enjoyed it. So, I decided not to shoot any more food videos. I lost interest. Especially since the tastiest dish of the week was Dasha's Pecan Pie, not my fried crayfish.
I don't want to film myself talking about something either. I had experience recording introductions for some of my videos. It was very difficult, taking more than ten takes, and felt more like an imitation than a sincere speech. However, I find writing text to be very sincere and authentic for me. When you write, you confront yourself, traveling to yourself on paper. This reflection reveals something new about yourself. In short, I decided to write more and do less on camera.
But for conversations with other people, video works well. Though audio might be even better. Like a podcast format, for example.
And for forests or kayaking, it's better to go without a phone. But if you bring a camera, you can take photos and videos.
So, this is how I've distributed the content formats I plan to create:
- thoughts and reflections from myself - write text
- conversations with others - audio / video
- fog / forest / kayak - video / photo