Irvin Yalom (1)

Online meeting with Irvin Yalom

Today was a wonderful day. I felt like a part of the international community of existential psychotherapists and philosophers. It is deeply moving when my values and essential thoughts about life find reflection in people from different eras, cultures, and continents.

We started at 10 AM, and with short breaks, we went on throughout the whole day, touching on various aspects of human nature and the challenges humanity faces in today’s world. We finished only at 10 PM, unable to part for a long time.

It was very emotional to be present during the awarding of the Socratic Medal to Dr. Paul T. P. Wong and Irvin Yalom (whose parents were Jews from Belarus).

Irvin Yalom is the author of the book Existential Therapy, as well as many other remarkable books that have inspired countless people to enter this field of psychotherapy. Seeing him (93 years old) in live-call was touching. His son Ben Yalom introduced him and is currently publishing a book co-written with his father.

This was a historic day for me be on the same Zoom screen with Irvin Yalom. A historic day when, during the congratulations, I could greet him on behalf of Belarus, the homeland of his parents (because unfortunately, everywhere it is written that they were from Russia).

I am glad that in my professional life, I can walk alongside people who inspire with their example of love, the depth of relationships, the depth of experiencing life, and an honest view of death as a part of human nature.